
Action on parks

There is no doubt about something has to be done about the King's park. But what?

We need a strategy around what we want our park to look like. I will be working over the next few weeks to build a strategy, then start the major task of convincing people that it is something worth paying for. The park has never been a real strategy before with glory projects like the waterside and the sports village taking precedence. It is only when we choose the King's park as a priority that something will be done.

The current strategy would not give us much change out of £5m and that money would have to come from somewhere. I believe that we can no longer afford not to spend money on this vital resource.


Coverage on Vandalism

Stirling Observer covered my story on vandalism today. I am calling on Stirling Council to use it's powers under the anti-social behaviour (scotland) act of 2006 to institute grafiti removal notices. This will clean up Stirling and make life better for all of us.

The Stirling Observer used my picture as well. Taken up the Tinkers Loan in St Ninians at the bottom of the telephone mast there it is an ugly eyesore that blots the amazing views of the town you get from up there.
I'd like to see vandalism hotspots like this one cleaned up. It makes a big difference to people's standard of living. Stirling is blessed by having a superb location and some of the nicest views in the UK, but Stirling Council doesn't seem to care enough to keep it clean.

Launching A Blog

Ok, so it would seem that I have been left behind in the technology stakes since Blogs are now a regular part of people's lives, but it's about time I started posting something and writing about local government and what I am trying to do for Stirling.

I won't be so trite as to make this a blog about the "wonderful things I am doing", but more about the jist of life in viewforth from the Tory prospective and an added way for the people of Stirling West to see what I am up to on their behalf.